One Gigahertz AB

Computer Assembly, Hardware Reviews, Education Sessions, IT Consultancy

About me

Hello, my name is Kostiantyn and I am a computer hardware enthusiast. A few years ago I have started my YouTube channel, even though the channel is still very small with only ~28k subscribers, it was more successful than I thought. With the channel growth, I have got multiple requests for my services and to be able to fulfill the demand, I have established my company - One Gigahertz AB.

Right now I can offer:


I regularly post pictures on my Instagram, but here you can see a few of my previous projects.

Frequently asked questions

My partners

In Australia:
Combat x Computers / Lance Raftery | | Instagram

In Italy (Milan and Turin):
MirComputers / Gabriele Carbone | Facebook | Instagram

In Italy (Rome and Rimini):
PCareMac / Luca Maddalena | Facebook | Instagram

In Korea:
TacTek / Lance Kim |

In Poland:
Huanan Polska / Rafał Bogusz | Facebook |

In Ukraine:
Alex Povzun | Facebook | Instagram